Amusement Park Lot Trait

Publié par Caradriel le

Sims 4 Lot Trait

This new lot trait will allow you to create your own Amusement Park in your game, to do so, you can download an Amusement park/Funfair in the Origin gallery or use the beautiful Necrodog’s fair pack to create you own park. There are other custom content creators on this theme, you can easily finds items.

When you enter in the Amusement park you will be greeted by a new moodlet, it will also indicate that the mod is active on this lot.

Click on a Sim to open the new Amusement Park menu (located in the Friendly section).

I’m just showing you a few new moodlets, there are others to be discovered in the game!

You can ask the other Sims that are their favorite ride, but to see the moodlets they will have to be in the same household as yours.

Functional objects

You can add to your park other functional objects like Cotton Candy Machine and a Candy Dispenser from icemunmun.

Sandy Acres Theme Park by Miss Hissy

A beautiful Theme park you can download it here :
Sandy Acres Theme Park

🔹 Mod requirement 🔹


Necrodog’s fair pack (optional)

Available languages : 🇫🇷 / 🇬🇧 Other translations are welcome

🇪🇸 Spanish (Thanks to Geosims)
🇷🇺 Russian (Thanks to Violua)
🇮🇹 Italian (Thanks to xISYx)
🇳🇱 Dutch (Thanks to Gothique Simmer)
🇵🇱 Polish (Thanks to Dariaxx)

Check the Mod Status before downloading

Please, before downloading Mod or CC read Term of use (T.O.U).

Download Patreon (Free)

Catégories : Lot Trait
