Elder Tea Dancing Social Event

Publié par Caradriel le

Elder dancing Sims 4

Elder Social Event

In France, we have a popular activity for the elderly called “Guinguette“, and that is very appreciated by people. It allows to spend a good time with friends, to meet new people, to eat and have fun. I wanted to celebrate them with this mod.

elders sims

You can invite a maximum of 20 Sims only Elder. Your Sim doesn’t have to know any elder Sims before starting the event, which is great for dating. The only thing is that you must have elder Sims in your game of course.

Some new custom social interactions are also available with the mod, you will find them in the Friendly category.

When the social event is over, and if your Sim has reached the gold level, they will receive 350 Simoleons and a Tea Magic Personal Brewer.

I created a lot Open-Air Café/Guinguette especially for this event, you can download it in my gallery.
(Origin ID Caradriels) or on this link.

🔹 Mod requirement 🔹


Available languages : 🇫🇷 / 🇬🇧 Other translations are welcome

🇳🇱 Dutch (Thanks to Gothique Simmer)
🇵🇱 Polish (Thanks to Astercholik)
🇷🇺 Russian (Thanks to MiniKat)

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