5 New Kids Holiday Traditions

Publié par Caradriel le

My last collection with 5 new Holiday Traditions especially for kids! You can make Experiences, Drawing, Craft Seasons things or Play outside. You can also find my toddler traditions here.

How to participate :
  • Space Explorer – Go Play in a Space Explorer
  • Monkey Bars – Click and Play
  • Make an Experience – Click on the Scientific table and choose an Experience
  • Play Pirate – Play in a Pirate Ship
  • Activity Table – Click and Draw or Craft anything

🔹 Mod requirement 🔹


Base game Compatible

Available languages : 🇫🇷 / 🇬🇧 Other translations are welcome

🇪🇸 Spanish (Thanks to Viri)
🇧🇷 Brazilian Portuguese (Thanks to Qlaqercoixsa)
🇷🇺 Russian (Thanks to Origamika)
🇮🇹 Italian (Thanks to xISYx)
🇳🇱 Dutch (Thanks to Gothique Simmer)
🇵🇱 Polish (Thanks to Dariaxx)

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Please, before downloading Mod or CC read Term of use (T.O.U).

Download: Patreon (free)

Catégories : Holiday Tradition
